Couriers & POD’s at the click of a mouse
Book your jobs directly from your computer, on our website.
- You can save time and hassle by entering your jobs without having to pick up the phone.
- It ensures that there will never be a misunderstanding as to your specific instructions, because you write down exactly what you require.
- The system acts as a log book for all couriers ordered over the web. This is great for checking your invoices, or even just to see at what time or date you ordered a courier.
- You can view proof of deliveries for packages you’ve sent, without having to hold on the phone for the person responsible.
- You can access your invoices on this site. This feature allows you to view, print, email or save invoices to your computer.
To view our On-line Booking Site, click on the link and enter the login and password below:
Login: view Password: x
Don’t enter any jobs on this site as it is for viewing only.