The First Direct Transport Group

We service every transport need: inner city pushbikes, motorbikes, small and large vans, direct & overnight country deliveries, small, medium and large trucks, air courier and air freight to everywhere in the world. We have specialist divisions that handle dangerous goods and medical specimens. We also provide staffing solutions and confidential document shredding services. We specialise in providing innovative logistical efficiencies to industry.
The First Direct Transport Group was founded in 1988. Starting as a specialised Legal Despatch Motorcycle Service it quickly expanded to serve the whole economic spectrum in Dublin and we are now the largest courier company in Dublin.
In 1988 First Direct was the first company to fully computerise its operation and we are now commissioning a full national and global track and trace system called TrackDirect. The aim is to keep the client fully informed as to the status of its delivery.
In 2002 First Direct was the first company to implement real-time web booking in the Irish direct courier market. All courier work can be ordered through our On-Line Booking system or via email. We also employ many telephonists and operational staff who deal with telephone booking and queries.
We are at present designing a motorbike satellite tracking system, As well as TrackDirect, First Direct uses The Courier Solution, a specialist same day package, which was co-designed by us, also FDS Shipper, a fully in-house designed and commissioned program for International deliveries.